a multimedial-polyrhythm … 2020 (ongoing)

images © Martin Gross, Steirischer Herbst 2020

With ROTOЯ, Peter Kutin (concept, composition, live electrionics) collaborates with Patrik Lechner (live-videoprojections) and Mathias Lenz (mechatronics) for this new and highly intense AV live-performance. Following the basic parameters of Kutin’s kinetic object TORSO#1 from 2018, ROTOЯ applies an even more intense acceleration onto the media-branches sound, image, light and object. It reaches stages where the rotating sound-sculpture transcendes into a hologram alike sonic-body, a kinetic-performer that is passing and morphing through unpredictable heterochronic states by establishing a beguiling complex multimedial-polyrhythm.

At times, the object plunges into darkness, while the projection continues to trace its movement, turning the volume into a hologram. The virtual sculpture fans out into geometric forms, bunches into images of a diffused reality. Due to the constant acceleration, it’s no longer possible to perceive the movement in detail, but instead, lines, colors, surfaces, and sounds rush past us. 
Over the course of the video, the three levels—object, audio, projection—are sometimes in opposition, sometimes synchronized or reversed; they delete but also determine each other and develop their own multimedia polyrhythm. In the cyclical movement, image and sound conspire and work towards a dizzying and unreal three-dimensionality, a play of visibility and invisibility, actuality and virtuality, visual abstraction and acoustic affect. ROTOЯ confronts the fundamental categories of movement, time, and space and makes references to Paul Virilio’s “raging standstill”; the crystal images of Gilles Deleuze; and psychedelic objects, such as Bryon Gysin’s Dreamachine.

(Shilla Strelka)

SO far ROTOЯ has / will been shown or performed at

* UT Connewitz / Leipzig
* Crossroads Festival / Mozarteum – Salzburg
* Heart of noise Festival / Innsbruck
* Impulstanz Festival / Vienna
* Spider – Festival of radical Bodies / Ljubljana
* Mind over Matter – Exhibition / Dresden-Contemporary
* Ann Arbor Film Festival / U.S.A
* Kunstraum Kesselhaus Bamberg / FK:K IV Festival
* Sonica-Festival / Ljubljana
* Musikprotokoll / Steirischer Herbst, Graz
* Mutek Montreal / SAT FullDome

Further dates TBA.

A cinematic version (14 minutes, HD, 5.1 sound) is distributed by Sixpack-Film. The project has been kindly supported by the Vienna’s cultural department / MA7 Musik

These are 2 mobile phone videos during work in progress / soundchecks …

For the Cinematic-version, please send us an email for the password or contact our distributor SIXPACK

Gefördert durch die MA7 – Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien